@extends('layouts.home_layout') @php $pageTitle = "Vaccination Info"; @endphp @section('title', $pageTitle) @section('style') @endsection @section('content')

Vaccination Info List

{{-- --}} @foreach ($list as $key => $item) {{-- --}} @endforeach
# Farmar Name Vaccine NameDisease NameDose Type Entry Date Next Dose Date Action
{{($key + 1)}} {{$item->farmer_name_en}} {{$item->medicine_name_en}}{{$item->disease_name_en}} @if ($item->dose_type == 1) First Dose @elseif ($item->dose_type == 2) Booster Dose @else Regular Dose @endif {{ date('d M Y',strtotime($item->vaccine_date))}} {{ date('d M Y',strtotime($item->next_vaccine_date)) }}
@if (is_permit('vcitn_f')) @endif @if (is_permit('dwrm_i_d')) @endif @if (is_permit('dwrm_d'))
id) }}" class="mb-0 delete_form" > @method('DELETE') @csrf
{{-- --}} @php // $list->count() // $list->currentPage() // $list->firstItem() // $list->hasMorePages() // $list->lastItem() // $list->lastPage() (Not available when using simplePaginate) // $list->nextPageUrl() // $list->perPage() // $list->previousPageUrl() // $list->total() (Not available when using simplePaginate) // $list->url($page) @endphp
Displaying {{$list->firstItem()}} to {{$list->lastItem()}} total {{$list->count()}} of {{$list->total()}} items {{ $list->render() }}
{{-- Modal Start id="modal" --}} {{-- Modal End --}}
@endsection @section('script') @endsection